Variety is the spice of life. Why travel the world drinking the
big brand beers? Part of the holiday experience in WA is to enjoy a wide
range of unique local beers and ciders. This webpage has been set up to help you do
just that, check out the following links to microbreweries listed by
towns in WA and click on the town name to find out more about the town. To find other great watering holes on your travels around
WA visit .
Many of Australia's iconic breweries are now owned by foreign interests.
Can you imagine cheering the Aussies in an Ashes match with a Pommie
Fosters in your hand? Another good reason to turn to microbreweries and
barrack for Australian businesses and jobs as well as Australian
sportsman. Check out this article from WA Today,
Beer wars come to head: Independent brewers tackle multinationals over
'faux craft' brews .
Runamuk Cider Co We're not here to follow others. We
don't play by their rules. We're here to disrupt, to craft our kind of
cider. That means LOCAL Donnybrook apples hand crushed, smashed and
brewed. The way it should be done. But not the way it's usually done.
We're mischief makers. Lets RUNAMUK.
Shack Brewery
Top spot for a hot drop. The perfect destination for the whole family.
Whether you are looking for something to do on the weekend, sight seeing
in the area or tired of going to the same restaurants in Bunbury, then
drop in for our great food and award winning beers. Kids are taken care
of with our open grassed area and play equipment, and we have live music
every Sunday.
House Margaret River
When three good mates thought "what could Margaret River really do with?"
they had one answer "A brewery you can walk to!" So now the town has one.
Brewhouse Margaret River is a place that everyone can come and relax. The
beer is cold and clear and true. The food comes from the fields and seas.